Looks a little different, though, doesn't it? I'm sure that that didn't stop you from immediately thinking of the Nazi Swastika. The evil event that the swastika represents will be forever associated with it.
I was thinking about signifiers and signified and a video that I watched in middle school during our Holocaust period came into my mind. With a little help from Wikipedia I was able to find out a little more about the symbol before the Holocaust.
Before Hitler corrupted it and turned it into what we understand the swastika to be today, it was part of many religions. In the Buddhist religion, the swastika was a sign of love and harmony. In
Hinduism, it stood for the creation of the universe. Some celtic religions also used it as a symbol for the sun god and used it for their coat of arms in prestigious families. It's amazing how an image that was once considered so lucky and peaceful has, through one man, become a symbol of hurt and evil. It's the same referent, the same signifier, just a different signified. Society has the power to change a signified just by associating it with something strong and powerful. Whether it's making a rainbow mean God's covenant or turning a pumpkin with a face in it into a national symbol of Halloween. Either way, a pumpkin is just a pumpkin. Or is it?